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easydoo: Your perfect partner for digital tax consultancy dossiers.

Discover easydoo, the all-in-one tool for the uncomplicated and professional digitalisation of your tax consulting processes.

Mann, der verschiedene Arbeitsaufgaben bewältigt, fühlt sich gestresst. Finden Sie Entlastung bei [easydoo].

What do we offer? An all-in-one tool!

Mann, der verschiedene Arbeitsaufgaben bewältigt, fühlt sich gestresst. Finden Sie Entlastung bei [easydoo].

What do we offer? An all-in-one tool! Are you a tax advisor looking for a comprehensive solution to efficiently manage your tax advisory practice? Look no further - easydoo is your perfect Swiss SaaS platform for the straightforward and professional digitalisation of your tax advisory processes. We are your reliable partner for optimising your tax advisory services.

Why easydoo?

Efficient tax consultancy management

With easydoo you can organise your tax consulting processes efficiently and ensure that all relevant tax matters are properly documented.

Seamless collaboration

Our tool offers a seamless collaboration platform on which you can communicate with your tax advisory team and your clients, exchange documents and manage tax processes effectively.

Optimised for tax consultants

Whether it's the preparation of tax returns, advice on tax optimisation or accounting, our tool is designed to efficiently support your work in the area of tax consulting.

Customer service

Our platform enables efficient communication and support for your clients in order to fulfil their tax concerns in the best possible way.

Comprehensive analyses

You will gain comprehensive insights into your tax processes and client interactions in order to increase efficiency and continuously improve your tax advisory services.


Our tool can be customised to suit your tax consulting process.

Contact us for a free consultation and tell us about your company's problem. We will solve it!

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Digitising your core business: 5 steps to ensure success!

If you decide to digitise one or more processes, there are a few things to consider to ensure that the project does not fail. However, this is particularly important when digitising your core business! What needs to be taken into account to ensure that the new working method is accepted by the team and that your service to your clients is guaranteed without interruption? Find out more about this topic and order our 5-step checklist.

Thank you very much for your submission!

Mann, der verschiedene Arbeitsaufgaben bewältigt, fühlt sich gestresst. Finden Sie Entlastung bei [easydoo].
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easydoo AG

Moosholzzelg 9, 9322 Egnach - CH 

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